Reiki Energy Healing


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Usui/Holy Fire Reiki is a healing practice that reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and supports natural healing through “laying on hands.” Rooted in the concept of “life force energy,” it blends the traditional Usui Reiki system with Holy Fire Reiki, developed by William Lee Rand, to enhance healing with a higher level of restorative energy.


Usui/Holy Fire Reiki

Reiki is a healing technique designed to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and support the body’s natural ability to heal. Administered through a “laying on hands” method, this Japanese practice is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us, sustaining our vitality and well-being.

When this energy is low, we are more susceptible to illness and stress. When it is high, we are more likely to feel healthy, balanced, and joyful.

Usui/Holy Fire Reiki blends the traditional Usui Reiki system with Holy Fire Reiki, a newer form developed by William Lee Rand. Holy Fire Reiki incorporates what is believed to be a higher level of healing energy, enhancing the transformative and restorative power of the practice.

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