Jothi Saldanha


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Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy – supporting folks to feel connected to their body’s cues and attune to their body’s needs when stressed out through breathwork, movement, touch, and a variety of ways that engages our senses and body’s wisdom to heal ourselves. This results in a deeper connection with self, feeling balanced and more equipped to face life’s difficulties.


Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy allows for a deeper dive into connecting our body’s response to our past traumas and ways that we can meet these responses with healthy embodied presence. This presence could include breathwork, body scans, engaging the 5 senses, movement, sound, and touch. Recognizing when our nervous system is activate and meeting our automatic primal responses such as fight, flight, freeze, appease, and collapse with compassion, grace, and the energetic presence of love. Jothi will walk beside you on this path of possibilities and discovery of new pathways.

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