ENERGY HEALING – Private Session (Adult) – In-Person


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A holistic treatment that involves accessing the physical, emotional & energetical systems as a whole for optimal healing.
Offering 30 minutes to 1hr sessions for children (7+) & adults alike
In-Person Session

Location: 2111 Montreal Road, Gloucester, ON, K1J 8M8 (specific unit to be provided after booking)


Energy Healing is a holistic treatment that involves accessing the physical, emotional & energetical systems as a whole for optimal healing.

Healing starts with your active participation in taking personal agency. Stef, nature, and your spirit team are there but to guide you within ; through, and provide support. Nothing supernatural will happens. It starts; ends with your intention prior and integration after.


1. Connection:

Before entering the energy field, a human connection takes place. A conversation to get to know Stef, chat expectations, and provide consent. The client (incl. children) is then invited to express their intention, needs, and anything else they wish to share, prior to the energy healing. Following the treatment, a closing exchange takes place over tea & snack (optional), where Stef shares messages, guidance, and what transpired during the session. Reciprocally, the client is also invited to share, if desired. {guardians of children are invited to stay during the session if they wish}

2. Nurturing with Nature:

The space & environment has been specifically curated to guide the client into a safe, supported & nurturing environment – surrounded by nature’s healing elements – while accessing that Liminal Space during treatment. The client’s senses are engaged through curated nature sounds & melodies, aromatherapy & incense, candles, cozy blankets, crystals, eye mask, dark & rich colors, and herbal tea & snack (all optional). Fully nurtured and supported during their session.

3. Beyond Reiki

Although principles of Reiki may be used during treatment, Stef relies heavily on her psychic abilities to moves, release, cleanse and bring in energy into the body, soul, and field surrounding the client. When consent is given, Stef uses gentle touch (hands, feet, legs, shoulders, head); as well connects to her plant allies and the client’s spirit team for guidance.
With the help of her clairsentience & clairaudience abilities, Stef’s intuitive gifts involve feeling the physical & emotional ailments herself, which also guides the healing energy session and post-conversation

You have the option of:
– an Indoor Session (in Stef’s mini enchanting forest healing space)
– an *Outdoor Session (in Stef’s private yard, with firepit & noise cancelling headphones)

*Outdoor Session is weather permitting. To be discussed after booking.

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