30- Minute Tarot Reading with or without Mediumship


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I offer tarot readings with over 15 years of experience, using my gifts to provide insight into love, career, family, and more. Each reading connects to your unique energy and allows you to explore potential paths while staying empowered by your own choices.


I offer tarot readings with over 15 years of experience. I use the cards to provide deep insight into your challenges. My approach emphasizes free will: the cards may reveal potential outcomes, but you can shape your path if the predictions don’t align with your goals. I am offering you a 30-minute tarot reading.

In each reading, I connect psychically—with your permission—guided by my strengths in claircognizance and clairvoyance. As I tune into your energy, I shuffle the cards to clarify your situation. Mediumship may also come through if messages from loved ones or guides on the other side are present; just let me know if you’d prefer this.

I provide readings on love, money, relationships, career, past lives, and decision-making. However, I don’t offer readings on legal issues, health, divorce, or pregnancy.

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